Problem with Offlineimap and postsynchook

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After using different methods to get email, I decided to go back to using Offlineimap.

I updated the configuration file I was using before and ran it. It "worked". It would sync all the email account but the postsynchook wasn't running.

In the old .offlineimaprc file, the "postsynchook =" was the last line in the file.

i.e.: [Account XXX]

[Repository XXXLocal]

[Repository XXXRemote]

postsynchook = xxxxxx

In order to get it to run, I had to move it up to just below the [Account XXX] section:

[Account XXX]

postsynchook = xxxxxx

[Repository XXXLocal]

[Repository XXXRemote]

Note: There are multiple accounts in the offlineimaprc file but only put one postsynchook command after the Account section of the last account so the indexer only gets executed once per sync.

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