Setup Python Virtualenv

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Using virtualenv with the different versions of python:

This works with Debian (and it's children (Ubuntu)) and MacOS.

ArchLinux has adopted Python 3 as the default so python = Python 3.

To check, run python from the command line.

If you see something like:

Python 2.7.3 (default, Apr 24 2012, 00:00:54)
[GCC 4.7.0 20120414 (prerelease)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Then you know Python 2 is installed.

Now run python3 from the command line.

If you see something like:

Python 3.2.3 (default, Apr 23 2012, 23:14:44)
[GCC 4.7.0 20120414 (prerelease)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Then you know Python 3 is installed.





Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:

sudo pip install virtualenv

sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

Go to ~/dev/python and create a new directory:

mkdir .virtualenvs

This is where the virtualenv will actually be stored.

Modify .bashrc by adding the following lines:

# Adding virtualenvwrapper

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/dev/python/.virtualenvs

export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/dev/python/python2

source /usr/bin/

close the terminal and reopen (sourcing doesn't seem to work)

Run: workon once to initialize the environment.

This is using the virtualenvwrapper program:

All development is in ~/dev/python/python2 or ~/dev/python/python3

For Python2:

  1. Create the directory for the project:

    cd ~/dev/python/python2/
    mkdir mynewproject
    cd mynewproject
  2. Create the virtualenv:

    mkvirtualenv -a $PWD -p /usr/bin/python mynewproject

For Python3:

  1. Create the directory for the project:

    cd ~/dev/python/python3/
    mkdir mynewproject
    cd mynewproject
  2. Create the virtualenv:

    mkvirtualenv -a $PWD -p /usr/bin/python3 mynewproject
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